Housing Opportunities
Upload pictures of your property by using the image upload tool below.
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Please provide a headline for the housing opportunity you are offering (e.g. "1200 sq. ft. house available to rent in Kirkwood $1600/mo", or "Seeking Male Roommate in South City $450/mo").
Headline (Required)
Please provide a description of the housing opportunity. When writing a description, please include the following categories:
Location of the rental property
Monthly rent charge
Cost of utilities (If not included in the rent charge - does not have to be an exact number)
Amenities (e.g. square footage, availability of kitchen, bathroom, and laundry services, etc.)
Pet policy
Please provide information on how applicants can contact you.
Contact First Name (Required)
Contact Last Name (Required)
Contact Email (Required)
Contact Phone (Required)
You will receive confirmation of your submission to the
Contact Email
listed above.
Submit Housing Opportunity