Job Opportunities

Team Pastor

Religious | Presbyterian Church in America

Waypoint Church
6350 Windom Peak Blvd.
Colorado Springs, 80923



Posted: Nov 30, 2023

Application Deadline: Apr 30, 2024


Team Pastor Job Description

Waypoint Church


The Team Pastor serves alongside the Church Planting Pastor to encourage the congregation to live out the mission, vision, and values of Waypoint Church.


  1. Feeding the Sheep (Acts 2, 6, 20; 2 Tim 2, 4; Titus 1):

○     Assist with the teaching and preaching ministry of the church: preaching ~1–2 times per month, assisting with administration of the sacraments, and preparing congregants to participate in worship

○     Be devoted to praying for the church and her mission and encouraging prayer among church members

  1. Tending the Flock (1 Cor 5; 1 Tim 3, 5; Heb 12, 13):

○     Know the pains, joys, and sorrows of church members and provide pastoral care and spiritual direction

○     Assist in ensuring the peace and purity of the congregation

○     Serve as a model of spiritual maturity through evangelism, hospitality, character, spiritual vitality, self-control, etc.

  1. Leading the Sheep (Eph 4; Rom 12; 1 Cor 12):

○     Equip the congregation to use their gifts and passions to serve as part of the body of Christ, including training up and supporting small group leaders and encouraging the congregation to participate in their groups

○     Participate in the continuing development of a contextualized vision, mission, and values for the church and communicate them to the congregation

○     Mobilize congregants to actively build relationships with those new to faith and curious about faith. Encourage attitudes of hospitality and evangelism toward those in our community

○     Support the assimilation of new members into the church body

○     Encourage the generosity of the congregation and participate in raising funds for the work of the church

  1. Collaborating with Community Organizations (Jer 29; Heb 10):

○     Engage with the community and seek opportunities for cooperation with other local organizations and churches as we seek to flourish in our context

○     Participate in Presbytery and Denominational events

Basic Qualifications:

●     Master’s in divinity with a focus on reformed theology

●     5 years of experience in pastoral ministry

●     Is (or is able to be) ordained in the Presbyterian Church in America

●     Deep personal faith and commitment to personal growth and a character that embodies the requirements of an Elder (1 Tim 3; Titus 1)

●     Alignment with the vision, mission, and values of Waypoint church


This is a full-time position with a salary range of $80,000–$90,000 per year plus benefits (health insurance, retirement, life insurance, Social Security allowance, disability insurance, etc.).

This includes 4 weeks of vacation, 1 week of study leave, and a Sabbatical plan.

To Apply:

Send the following information to

●     Current Resume

●     A list of at least 5 References

●     2 Sermons (at least one video)

●     An example of one of your teaching lessons done in a small group setting

●     A separate, 1-page statement describing your philosophy of pastoral ministry

●     Ministerial Data Form (MDF)

Salary: >=$90K


Grace and Peace to you,

Waypoint Church is ready to welcome another full-time pastor to our team! They will have a voice in determining the vision and direction of the church. We are looking for someone to lead alongside the church planting pastor, serving primarily by equipping others to live out the vision, mission, and values of the church.

As a church plant, the exact duties and tasks of each member of our team are dynamic. Our priority is to find someone in alignment with our church culture and values, and the day-to-day tasks will be divided based on each person’s skills and passions.

We’re looking for someone who is willing to share the burden of pastoral ministry and desires to serve in a supportive relationship with our church planting pastor, connecting their families to support each other for long-term health in ministry.

There is a great need for healthy churches in Colorado! While our city houses many Christian nonprofit’s headquarters, only 16% of residents identify as evangelical protestant. In this deeply post-Christian environment, we’re looking for someone to help us explain and overcome the many objections to evangelicalism that we need to address to reach this tough demographic.

Our staff team prioritizes healthy cycles of work and rest and values the health of your family above performance and results in ministry. Rather than using ministry to prove our value, we encourage one another to find our value in the gospel. We see our roles as repenters-in-chief and believers-in-chief of the church. We’re part of a healthy presbytery and church planting network that encourages these same values and provides strong relational support of one another. I hope you’ll consider being part of our team!


                                                                                                  Church Planting Pastor

Team Pastor Profile

Waypoint Church

We desire a team pastor who:

Is a skilled teacher and communicator and has shown the ability to deliver grace-centered messages that point believers to Christ and call unbelievers to new life in him. Someone who feels confident delivering sermons in dynamic and compelling ways.

Understands how the gospel impacts daily life and how easy it is for believers to fall into legalism and so is always fighting to point others to grace instead. Someone who constantly seeks renewal and a deepening understanding of God’s grace toward them and can usher other people toward that grace.

Is committed to raising other leaders up and understands the importance of investing in others and delegating the work of ministry, avoiding the temptation to just “get it done” themselves. Someone who has shown team-building skills and can motivate others to take ownership of a shared goal.

Feels comfortable in a team environment, collaborates well with others, and is aware of relational dynamics in their leadership. They are a self-starter with disciplined work ethic who can implement and oversee team projects without constant supervision. Someone who can understand the big picture and vision of the church and find ways to improve initiatives that support those objectives.

Feels gifted in interpersonal & shepherding skills, connects with others from diverse backgrounds, is intuitive to their needs, and can help with conflict management. They are comfortable with the ambiguity and messiness that comes with entering into the fray of others’ lives and are able to provide flexible care tailored to individuals’ unique needs.

Has true missional commitment and has borne fruit in the area of evangelism and mobilizing others to engage in evangelism. Someone is willing to put aside differences to cooperate with other Christian organizations see their community flourish and push to reach those in greatest need in our city.

Alignment with the Philosophy of Ministry at Waypoint:

This lists a few key components of our philosophy of ministry and some resources that helped inform these convictions to help you judge your potential alignment with our church:

●     Contextualized Ministry: While our theology remains set, we believe each church needs to contextualize their ministry structures and values to their local community and culture. Resources: Center Church by Tim Keller, Neighborhood Mapping by John Fuder, and John Frame’s Triperspectivalism.

●     Mission: We believe the mission of the church extends beyond personal renewal and leads to the transformation and flourishing of our surrounding community. Resources: The Mission of God’s People by Christopher Wright and A Light to the Nations by Michael Goheen.

●     Gospel Renewal: The answer to “How do people change?” is simple: deeper belief in the gospel. Maturity in our faith comes from a deeper understanding and application of our union with Christ and adoption into the family of God. Resources: material from the Serge organization and their Sonship course, and books by Brennan Manning and Henri Nouwen.

●     Pastoral Ministry: Much of our understanding of local church and Pastoral ministry comes from the works of Eugene Peterson (e.g., Working the Angles and The Contemplative Pastor) along with the Emotionally Healthy series by Peter Scazzaro and even the short film “Godspeed”.

●     Other Influences: Integrating faith and work—Every Good Endeavor by Tim Keller. Worship philosophy—Rhythms of Grace by Mike Cosper. Relational Evangelism—The Art of Neighboring. Conformability with Political differences in a congregation—Confident Pluralism by John Inazu.

How to Apply

Colorado Springs, CO



Pastor Steve Stanton and a dedicated team of 30 people developed a plan to start a new church community in northeast Colorado Springs. Waypoint Church was launched in August of 2021, quickly growing to nearly 120 committed attendees in its first two years. We are members of the Presbyterian Church in America and part of the Rocky Mountain Presbytery and the Western Church Planting Network. We are also network partners with Acts 29 and the Gospel Coalition.

OUR NAME |Waypoint Church

“A reference point that serves as an intermediate stop to reorient along a journey”

A REFERENCE POINT | A place that reminds us of God’s goodness and love for us

AN INTERMEDIATE STOP | A place to belong while we pass through this city and this world toward eternity with God

A STOP TO REORIENT | A place to slow down, rest up, and reorient our hearts and lives around the gospel

ALONG A JOURNEY | A reminder that we haven’t arrived and are trusting God as our stories unfold


Colorado Springs sits at the foothills of the Rocky Mountains, where you’re never more than 30 minutes from outdoor adventure. Our city was founded by retired frontiersmen looking to settle down and still carries the same culture of individualistic grit and determination.

While the city is host to the headquarters of 86 Christian nonprofits, it’s only 16% evangelical protestant, and 66% of the city claims no religious affiliation. There’s a great division between the community of believers who are extensively involved in church and ministry, and the large majority of non-believers in our city. Our particular suburban cultural context is defined by the “elder brother” from the parable of the prodigal son.

The most common answer to “How are you doing?” is “Busy!” Everyone is operating on low margins of time, social energy, and money, leading to high levels of anxiety, isolation, and escapism. That isolation leads people to find community in ideological tribes, and individualism leads to a high value on consumerism. Our area is restless, and desperate to fill a void.


Our Vision is to bring Gospel Reorientation to the Suburbs. As such, our work is to bring rest to the overachiever, bring renewal to the overly busy & burnt out, bring community to the lonely, and refreshed purpose to the wanderer. We bring that rest and renewal so that we can send out the church into the world as part of God’s mission to bring restoration to all things. We believe the gospel not only brings transformation and renewal for us as believers, but also is the answer for our fellow broken neighbors.


Our values identify the specific ways we believe the gospel can transform our community.

Rest in Christ: Rest in our identity as God’s beloved children, united in Christ

vs. feeling restlessness in the need to prove your worth through achievement

Eliminate Hurry: Seek to slow down to make space in our lives to love God and others

vs. staying busy and operating on low margins in the need to climb the ladder

Open and Honest: Be open and honest about our brokenness and dependence on God for change

vs. displaying a cultivated image in the need to appear competent to others

Engage with Love: Engage our neighbors with gentleness and humility of heart

vs. feeling a belonging in looking down on others and always being right

Cultivate Community: Cultivate communities encouraging one another in Christ

vs. viewing independence from others as a sign of success and lack of weakness

Bring Renewal: Embrace our calling to bring renewal to the places where God sent us

vs. a lack of purpose, striving to be free from the constraints of work


Waypoint church exists to help people find rest in God’s love, restore wholeness to our lives through Christ, and work toward the flourishing of our neighborhoods, our city, and the nations.


We accomplish our mission through our ministry structures:

Support teams

A huge part of helping people find rest in God’s love takes place on Sunday mornings. The Sabbath is about coming together as a church family to worship, encouraging one another, and being reminded of God’s love as the gospel is preached. Our Support Teams enable much of what we do on Sunday mornings, from leading us in worship, to caring for the children in our children’s ministry, to setting up the chairs—and much more!

Discipleship Cohorts

As believers we’re all called to grow in our faith. We are to invite Christ to bring restoration and wholeness to our hearts and lives, and we do this mostly by meeting in Discipleship Cohorts. These are small, short-term groups centered on encouraging and equipping one another as we learn how to be disciples of Christ. Discipleship cohorts are offered on a semester basis—12 weeks in the Fall and Spring, and 8 weeks in the Summer.

Study topics have included: how people grow, Hebrew bible study, emotionally healthy spirituality, praying together, the pursuit of God, etc.

Flourishing Groups

The third aspect of Waypoint’s mission might be the most important! A healthy church will have a cycle of gathering people to be renewed by the gospel, and then sending those renewed people back out into the world to bring restoration. We’re all called to bring glimpses of God’s kingdom into this world and share the hope we’ve found in the gospel with those around us. We do that through Flourishing Groups. each working toward flourishing in a particular space, place, or group of people.

Through these groups, we have been able to care for the teachers, students, and school grounds at the local school in which we meet in multiple ways. Another group has helped resettle refugees in our town.


Waypoint Kids |

a.    In Service | Feel free to keep your kids with you for part or all of the service. We have family tables where kids can draw and wiggle. Activity bags and sermon note pages for kids are available to help keep them occupied and engaged.

b.    Nursery | Nursery is available for ages 0–4 on Sunday mornings for the entire worship service. Older children who would feel more comfortable in nursery (e.g., due to developmental disabilities) are welcome to come too! All of our childcare workers have had training and background checks to ensure quality and safe care so parents and caregivers can attend worship undistracted.

c.    Children’s Church | Children ages 4–7 are invited forward to hear a Kids’ Sermon mid-way through the service and are then dismissed for Kids’ Church. In Kids’ Church, they have the opportunity to learn more about the Bible through interactive lessons and activities tailored to them.

d.   Sunday School & Youth Group | We are starting a before-church Sunday School class for ages 8–12 that goes through the New City Catechism. There is also a youth group for ages 13–18 that meets once a week to study through the scriptures together. These two areas of ministry are new and growing.


Our Trajectory & Some Future Strategic Planning

We’re currently a “mission church” and a work of our presbytery. We have a temporary session with other Ruling Elders and Teaching Elders who live and minister in Colorado Springs alongside us. Our goal is to raise up our own Elders and Deacons at some point in 2024. Also, we hope to grow in diversity to match our surrounding community and work toward increasing diversity of future church plants in our city.

We have one full-time church planter leading the work, and two part-time staff: a part-time music director, and a part-time kids ministry coordinator. we are also looking to take on a part-time missions and outreach director in early 2024. We typically host a church planting summer intern for about 10 weeks in June and July.

Our two key areas of focus are: (1) Gospel transformation—many of the concepts contained in “the gospel-centered life” and the ministry of Serge & Parakaleo undergird our discipleship work; and (2) community engagement—we believe the mission of the church includes caring for justice and mercy for our neighborhoods, our city, and the world.

Primary Contact: Steven Stanton


Phone: 7195103124

Apply Online: View