Job Opportunities

Youth Ministry Intern

Religious | Presbyterian Church in America

Concord Presbyterian Church
338 Covington Dr
Waterloo, IL 62298



Posted: Apr 2, 2024

Application Deadline: Sep 27, 2024


Our Goal

To see the Concord vision and goals instilled in our youth as shown by their growing relationship with God in Christ Jesus, their desire to serve Him and to expand the Kingdom in His name.

Salary: $0-$29K


Position Responsibilities

  • Apprentice middle/high school Sunday school class (9:00-9:45am)
  • Regularly attend Sunday morning worship (10:00-11:30am)
  • Apprentice weekly Youth Group Sunday gatherings (6:30-8:30pm)
  • Promote youth activities and maintain contact with parents and youth through weekly email updates, social media and the church newsletter
  • Attend weeklong youth summer (July) and weekend winter (February) camps
  • Attend monthly session meetings (third Wednesday of the month 7:00-10:00pm)
  • Report weekly by phone, e-mail or in-person meetings with the Senior Pastor or direct supervisor
  • Periodically attend activities outside the church in which the youth are involved
  • Other duties as assigned by the Senior Pastor or direct supervisor

Ministerial Opportunities

  • Assist leading Sunday corporate worship
  • Preach during Sunday corporate worship and nursing home chapel
  • Fulfill presbytery internship requirements

Part-time position: Up to 10 hours/week

How to Apply

Please email Brian if you want to start the application process or would like more details.

Primary Contact: Brian Sandifer


Phone: 618-939-7116

Apply Online: View