Job Opportunities

Assistant Pastor

Religious | Presbyterian Church in America

Coram Deo
3100 Oak St
Las Cruces, NM 88005



Posted: May 14, 2024

Application Deadline: Oct 31, 2024


To view the church packet, please click here.

As a church coming out of the plant phase and into an established church, flexibility is necessary as we seek to establish healthy rhythms as a team. While there are duties below, our priority is to find someone in alignment with our church culture and values.

We’re looking for someone who is willing to share the burden of pastoral ministry and desires to serve in a supportive relationship with our church planting pastor, while also serve the evangelistic and discipleship needs of our church.

Our staff team prioritizes healthy cycles of work and rest and values the health of your family above performance and results in ministry. Rather than using ministry to prove our value, we encourage one another to find our value in the gospel. We’re part of a healthy presbytery that encourages these same values and provides strong relational support of one another.

Job Description

Next Generation Ministries

As a young, growing church, we have a unique opportunity to invest into the lives of young children, youth, and college students. This role will help oversee the Nińos ministry, which comprises of K-12. While the Assistant Pastor will not be involved in the day-to-day operations of these ministries, he will provide vision and oversight to the ministry as a whole. In this capacity, he will oversee two part-time staff members who run both the children and youth departments.

At the current moment, we have no college ministry but given our proximity to New Mexico State University, there is significant opportunities to pioneer a new ministry.

Missional Communities & Evangelism

The heartbeat of our church are Missional Communities, which are groups of Christians living in both community and on mission together to serve the city of Las Cruces. The ideal candidate will help oversee the Missional Community ministry, helping them lead to greater discipleship, mission, and evangelism in the city.

The ideal candidate will also have a heart of evangelism and service that will lead the congregation in such activities.

General Pastoral Duties

The Assistant Pastor will serve as the second pastor of Coram Deo. Ideally, the candidate will be involved in regular pastoral duties such as preaching, leading liturgy, counseling, visitations, and other general pastoral duties.

Salary: $30K-$59K


Basic Qualifications

  • Master’s in Divinity with a focus on reformed theology
  • 3 years of experience in pastoral ministry
  • Is (or is able to be) ordained in the Presbyterian Church in America
  • Deep personal faith and commitment to personal growth and a character that embodies the requirements of an Elder (1 Tim 3Titus 1)
  • Alignment with the vision, mission, and values of Coram De

Candidate Characeristics

  • A personal life characterized by holy living and an intimate walk with the Lord
  • A rich personal prayer life
  • A heart for evangelism (both local and global)
  • Alignment with our philosophy of ministry which closely aligns with Neo-Calvinism/Kuyperian stream of evangelism, discipleship, and cultural engagement.
  • Ability to serve in humility in a Presbyterian church with a diverse group of theological and denominational backgrounds.
  • Preference will be given to candidates who are fluent in Spanish and have experience serving in a Hispanic context.
  • A strong, organized working style, with a demonstrated ability to delegate tasks, manage results, and work closely with others

How to Apply

Send the following information to

  • Current resume
  • Three references
  • 2 Sermons (preferably video)
  • A separate, 1-page statement describing your philosophy of pastoral ministry

Primary Contact: Dustin Hunt


Phone: 5756359733

Apply Online: View