Job Opportunities

Adult Ministry Pastor (Evangelism and Disciple-making)

Religious | Presbyterian Church in America

Grace Presbyterian Church
8607 N. State Route 91
Peoria, IL 61615



Posted: Jul 3, 2024

Application Deadline: Aug 30, 2024


General Purpose:

To serve as an evangelism and disciple-making catalyst who advances the Grace vision by facilitating the movement of adults from wherever they are in their spiritual journey to the point of being multiplying disciple-makers.


Key Goals and Objectives:

·        Create systems to move people into relationships and along a path toward spiritual maturity and multiplication.

·        Help our church establish a culture of evangelism and disciple-making.

·        Develop leaders and processes to facilitate this movement and cultural shift.


Key Job Responsibilities:

·        Recruit, train, and equip leaders who are passionate about helping people take the next steps in their spiritual journeys.

·        Install processes that will help non-Christians become new disciples, new disciples become maturing disciples, and maturing disciples become multiplying disciple-makers.

·        Spend time with people, helping them connect into relationships, recognizing that spiritual growth occurs in community.

·        Oversee and improve our enfolding events such as our newcomer dinner and membership class.

·        Consider how our existing Sunday schools, community groups, and life-on-life groups help us advance the purpose shown above, and then work closely with the other ministry leaders to align and refine those groups toward that end.

·        Create new assimilation processes such as Sunday morning section hosts.

·        Oversee all assimilation and enfolding ministries, improving or replacing them after evaluating their effectiveness.

·        Participate on the pastoral team by providing preaching, teaching, shepherding, counseling, visitation, baptisms, weddings, funerals, and other pastoral support when needed.

Salary: Undisclosed



  • Is a man of prayer who personally prays while equipping and inspiring others to do the same.
  • Is ordained or ordainable (before moving) in the Presbyterian Church in America.
  • Possesses a seminary master’s degree.
  • Has five years of experience in pastoral ministry, evangelism, and disciple-making, so that he can personally model these behaviors as well as equip others to do the same.
  • Loves spending time with people and helping them connect to others in the church.
  • Is able to preach and teach God’s Word.
  • Demonstrates a gospel-saturated focus in his personal life and ministry.
  • Is a creator, catalyst, leader, equipper, and shepherd.
  • Enjoys working on a staff team in which individual ambitions are subordinated to team goals.
  • Is passionate to share the Gospel with unbelievers and to equip others to do the same.
  • Possesses a combination of relational and organizational ability.

How to Apply

Position Description:

How to Apply: Send resume, cover letter, and link to a personal video to Video should be 2 to 4 minutes long and contain you sharing who you are, what you are passionate about, why you are applying for this position, and what differentiates you from others with similar credentials. You do not have to complete the general job application provided on the website.

If you have any questions before applying, email Pastor Greg Grindinger,  

Primary Contact: Greg Grindinger


Phone: 3095896413

Apply Online: View