Job Opportunities

Senior Pastor

Religious | Evangelical Presbyterian Church

Saint Patrick Presbyterian Church of Denver
1205 E. 8th Avenue; PO Box 18218
Denver, CO 80218



Posted: Oct 10, 2020

Application Deadline: Nov 15, 2020


Saint Patrick Presbyterian Church of Denver (EPC)

Senior Pastor Job Description

October 2020

“Varieties of callings: Within the office of Minister, there are numerous callings. God distributes to each gifts according to the common needs of the Church. These include:


Pastor: When one is called by a congregation to be the shepherd of that flock, that person shall be called Pastor. As such, the duties of the Pastor shall be to preach and expound the Word, to be God’s prophet to the people and to be the people’s priest before God. The Pastor shall lead the people in worship, shall celebrate the Sacraments, shall oversee the education and nurture program of the congregation. The Pastor with the Ruling Elders shall minister to the sick, the dying, the grieving, the troubled, the poor, and to all those who have need of a Pastor’s care, love and compassion. With the Ruling Elders, the Pastor shall exercise the joint power of government.”

- Evangelical Presbyterian Church Book of Government, Officers of the Church, Pastor

Essential Criteria of the Pastoral Candidate:

  • Committed to reformed theology
  • See Luther, Calvin, Owen, Boston, Murray, Ferguson, Clowney, etc.
  • Committed to Gospel-centrality
  • Steeped in and actively practices Gospel-centered preaching and ministry, especially demonstrated by Tim Keller and described in his books Center Church (see Chapters 1-6) and The Prodigal God.  

Other Criteria of the Pastoral Candidate:

  1. Urban ministry experience
  2. Western US ministry experience (or at least understands its unique lifestyle and world-view)
  3. Married
  4. Between 30 and 55 years old


Position responsibilities:

  • Shape and model the current and future vision of the church.
  • Shepherd the people using all the means of grace and hospitality.
  • Increase in the knowledge and practice of God’s Word and prayer daily.
  • Lead worship services.
  • Seek regular interaction with unbelievers and the culture of Denver.
  • Oversee and disciple staff.
  • Moderate and disciple the Session.

Activities within the responsibilities listed above generally include:

  • Encouraging, recruiting, and training officer candidates.
  • Attending presbytery and general assembly.
  • Maintaining and building good relations with other ministries, such as Denver Institute of Faith And Work, Agape Christian Fellowship. Aspen Grove Church Planting Network, And Redeemer City-To-City.
  • Encouraging and equipping lay leadership, such as city group leaders and other ministry leaders.
  • Personally contacting and engaging new visitors followed by a short-term group introduction to the gospel-centered life.
  • Preparing and leading a new member’s class.
  • Visiting the sick and hospitalized
  • Recruiting, mentoring, and supervising pastoral interns.
  • Discerning and leading, with the session, discipline needs in the congregation.

Personal gifting:

  • Student
  • Preacher
  • Teacher/Discipler
  • Counselor (front-line only, refers to professional counselors as needed)

Personal traits:

  • Knowledgeable, yet teachable
  • Trustworthy/credible
  • Warm/approachable/empathetic
  • Faithful/Integrity
  • Humble/sacrificial
  • Adaptable to the Western US culture*

Western US urban profile: secular, independent, mobile, unchurched or church-damaged, highly educated, professional, sociable, outdoor active/recreational, technologically savvy, politically active (leans toward progressivism), open to all sexual-orientations, racially accepting, social drinkers.

Compensation package:

Annual compensation including all benefits and housing allowance: $100,000

Benefits include, but may not be limited to, health insurance, HSA contribution, life insurance, and annual leave.  

Annual leave: 4 weeks (trying to avoid time-off the week before and during Holy Week, Thanksgiving week and the last two weeks of December).

Salary: >=$90K


See Job Description

Minimum academic credential: M. Div.

How to Apply

Additional church information can be found at :

Email your resume/ CV to

Upon receipt of your resume/CV, we will provide additional application forms.

Primary Contact: Rachel Rienstra


Phone: -

Apply Online: View