Job Opportunities

Worship Pastor

Religious | Baptist (Other)

Lakewood Baptist Church of NY
150, Erie St.
Lakewood, NY 14750



Posted: Jul 29, 2024

Application Deadline: Dec 31, 2024


Who We Are: Lakewood Baptist Church exists to help families experience wholeness through Christ. We are a church of 120 (on average and growing) attendees from the Lakewood and Jamestown NY area, who are actively looking for an Associate Pastor to support our Lead Pastor Nate Hlad in day to day activities and general pastoral care.

Who You Are: The ideal candidate for this position is a Godly man who is vibrant, outgoing, energetic and engaging. This candidate will also meet the qualifications for an elder as laid out in Timothy 1.

General Job Description

Lead the Worship Team and general church life with administrative detail and general pastoral care.

Salary: $30K-$59K


Major Responsibilities 

  • Lead and support the worship team - 15 hrs/week 
  • Scheduling 
  • Working with Pastor Nate on service layout
  • Running worship team rehearsals 
  • Tech and AV support - 10 hrs/week
  •  Scheduling 
  •  Maintain sound system and equipment 
  •  Manage media on app and website 

Minor Responsibilities

  • Teaching and preaching - 7 hrs/week 
  •  Teach Sunday School and small group Bible studies 
  •  Preaching opportunities quarterly 
  • Other ministry opportunities - 8 hrs/week
  • With only one other pastor on staff, there are plenty of opportunities for a new associate to use his God-given gifts and abilities 

Must Have: 

  • Resume
  • Statement of testimony and calling to ministry
  • Clip of worship

Nice To Have: 

  • References
  • Cover letter

How to Apply

  • To apply, please send a copy of your resume, statement of testimony and calling to ministry as well as any available clips of you leading worship to 

Primary Contact: Nate Hlad


Phone: (716)763-9621

Apply Online: View