Job Opportunities

Women's Ministry Assistant


FirstLight Ministries
St. Louis, MO 63132



Posted: Aug 22, 2024

Application Deadline: Sep 30, 2024


FirstLight Ministries is a Christian non-profit that supports people in living within the Bible’s standards on sexuality. The ministry provides group support for men and women seeking to stop their pornography use or other sexual behaviors, and groups supporting spouses healing from betrayal. FirstLight also provides clinical counseling services. FirstLight serves the wider St. Louis region and operates within a traditional, Christian understanding of sexual ethics.


FirstLight is currently seeking to add to its team of professional therapists and ministry leaders a woman who will spearhead a ministry aimed at helping Christian women who are seeking to stop using pornography or other compulsive sexual behaviors.


The position is part-time, but has the potential to develop into a full-time role. 

Salary: Hourly


Interested Candidates Must Meet the Following Criteria:

·       A Christian woman who is a member of an evangelical church and who can affirm FirstLight’s statement of faith and statement on sexual ethics.

·       She will be a self-starter, compassionate, gracious, and approachable.

·       She will feel confident in her ability to teach the Biblical material regarding sexuality in church settings, especially with women, but also in mixed company.

·       She can listen well and maintain a nonjudgmental posture to women who share about their sexuality.

·       She will be self-motivated to educate herself about issues regarding female sexuality, especially female sex addiction.

·       She will be open about her own sexuality and efforts to maintain the Bible’s ideal. If she has a history of sex addiction herself, she will be in recovery and open about her struggle with FirstLight team members.

·       She will be open to learning from a team of other professionals at FirstLight as she works to develop a ministry for women that is in keeping with FirstLight’s values.

·       The candidate will be willing to work several nights per week and on occasional weekends.


This person will be responsible for the following:

·       Network with area churches and parachurch ministries, particularly with women’s ministry leaders, offering to teach women in classes, small groups, or individually about the Bible’s sexual ethic and walk beside women seeking to align their sexual lives to the biblical pattern.

·       Organize women who desire discipleship into confidential support groups, learn the material FirstLight currently uses to guide such groups, write new devotionals and lessons as appropriate, and facilitate the meetings.

·       Meet individually with women who want one-to-one support, help them access therapy services when appropriate, answer their questions, pray with them, and encourage them.


The ideal candidate will have advanced training in understanding the Bible and theology, and experience with teaching the Bible in public. Training in pastoral care and counseling is also highly desirable. Candidates who hold a master’s degree in a related ministry field are preferred. Someone who has, or is pursuing, both a master’s in theology or divinity, and a masters in counseling is ideal.


How to Apply

The position pays $20.00-28.00 per hour depending on experience and education.

A small medical reimbursement program is also available for those who are uninsured.


The person in this position will be able to set her own hours. The expectation is that she will work 10-25 hours per week depending on the needs of the women under her care and teaching opportunities.


This woman will report to Rev. David Noble, FirstLight Sexual Discipleship Director, and will receive training from Shari Montague, FirstLight Clinical Director.


Interested candidates may email Executive Director Sean Maney at with a resume and cover letter.

Primary Contact: Sean Maney


Phone: 314-398-3036

Apply Online: View