Job Opportunities

Pastoral Resident

Religious | Presbyterian Church in America

Strong Tower Church
719 N Massachusetts Ave
Lakeland, FL 33801



Posted: Oct 21, 2024

Application Deadline: Jan 31, 2025



To develop healthy pastoral leadership for a lifetime of cross-cultural ministry.




1.   Character

·       Maintain own spiritual health in Christ, especially by scripture, prayer, Sabbath, community, marriage and parenting (where applicable).

·       Pray regularly for the ministries and people of the church.

·       Share the gospel, modeling and leading the congregation in evangelism.

2.   Communications

·       Attend weekly staff meetings, coaching meetings, and strategic meetings.

·       Be active in a Connect Group.

·       Facilitate communication through email, phone, social media, etc.

3.   General Ministry Experience

·       Rotate participation in all Serve Teams to understand all ministries of local church.

·       Preach in Sunday services 2-3 times annually. Preach in preaching labs bi-monthly.

·       Teach in Formation Institute workshops and cohorts.

·       Participate in Residency Cohort with other residents in local network.

·       Attend Renewal Retreats with other residents and pastors in local network.

·       Shepherd and counsel those in need within the church and community.

·       Support the overall ministry of the church by participating in regular meetings and the overall work of discipleship.

4.     Church Planting Exposure

·       Goal: Exposure to the concepts and culture of church planting to discern if church planting is a calling to pursue or a work to support.

·       Attend Renew Polk network trainings and gatherings.

·       Attend selected conferences for ministry and church planting training.

5.     Training

·       For years 1-2, time is split 50/50 with ministry and seminary. For the 3rd year, time is spent fully in ministry and preparing for ordination exams.

·       Spend up to 50% of time in formal seminary studies and informal directed studies.

·       Attend Session and Diaconate meetings for observation.

·       Attend the Ministry Readiness Seminar through MNA to help discover competencies and calling related to ministry.

TIME COMMITMENT: 40-50 hours per week.

COMPENSATION: Annual base salary is $40,000. Benefits based on full-time status include: health insurance, life insurance, disability insurance, matching retirement contributions up to 3%, and 2 weeks paid vacation. Seminary scholarship up to $5,000 included, along with full-tuition coverage through other available scholarships. No fundraising required.


Salary: $30K-$59K



1.     Must have a growing relationship with God and a measure of Christian maturity.

2.     Must sincerely care for others and desire to help them live for the Lord.

3.     Must be willing to give sacrificially of himself.

4.     Must be teachable and willing to learn.

5.     Must believe in and practice our ministry philosophy of “team ministry.”

6.     Must be agreeable to the doctrinal standards of the PCA.

7.     Must be pursuing formal theological training through a seminary degree.

8.     Ability to hold in confidence sensitive information gained through ministry.

How to Apply

To apply, please send a resume and cover letter to for the hiring team to review.

To learn more about the Pastoral Residency program at Strong Tower Church, visit

Applications accepted through January 31, 2025 and decisions made by end of March 2025. The position begins July 1, 2025.

Primary Contact: Ben Turner


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