Job Opportunities

Senior Pastor

Religious | Presbyterian Church in America

Concord Presbyterian Church
338 Covington Drive
Waterloo, IL 62298



Posted: Nov 4, 2020

Application Deadline: Jan 31, 2021


Concord is a faithfully serving, financially stable church, and seeks a shepherding-oriented pastor who is committed to preaching and living out the Gospel.

Senior Pastor Job Description

Overview of the Senior Pastor’s Priorities in his relationships and responsibilities:

The senior pastor’s first relationship and responsibility is to his Lord and Savior as a disciple and

servant (Acts 27:23, II Corinthians 4:5, Acts 17-28a). Therefore he will continue to grow his

connections to Christ through regular times in the Word and prayer as well as reading good

devotional materials, being in relationships of accountability, and enjoying fellowship with other

believers (I Timothy 4:15, 16, John 15:4-8).

The senior pastor’s second relationship and responsibility is to his wife and children, as husband,

father, and spiritual head (Ephesians 5:25-28, I Timothy 3:4-5). Therefore he will regularly pray

for them, be an example of Christ and Christ’s graciousness, instruct them in godliness, be

committed to their spiritual well-being and growth, and give himself for them in love.

The senior pastor’s third relationship and responsibility is to Christ’s church of which Christ has

made him an overseer in order to present them blameless and perfect in Christ (Acts 20:28,

Colossians 1:28). Therefore he will seek to love them well (I Thessalonians 2:8-9) and give

himself for them (I John 3:16, John 15:13)

General Overview of Pastoral Work

The principal function of all pastors is the ministry of equipping God’s people for works of

service so that the body of Christ will be built up to reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge

of Christ and to become mature in Christ (Ephesians 4:12-13). The ministry of equipping is

primarily a ministry of the Word, of prayer, and of being an example of the Christian life (Acts

6:4, I Corinthians 11:1, I Timothy 4:13, II Timothy 3:16-17). The ministry of equipping is

secondarily a ministry of leadership (Hebrews 13:7-17) and stewardship/oversight (Acts 20:28, I

Timothy 3:2, Titus 1:7) of the church’s spiritual life and ministries.

Specific Activities required to accomplish his church responsibilities

Specifically the senior pastor should….

 Deeply rely on God first and foremost (II Corinthians 3:5)

 Pray for the flock continually (I Thess. 6:16), thankfully, and joyfully (Philippians 1:3-4)

 Devote himself to the proclaiming of God’s Word in various ways (I Timothy 4:13, Acts


 Clearly be a servant of Christ (Matthew 20:26-28, II Corinthians 4:5)

 Determine and develop ways to encourage, equip, and empower everyone in the church

so that they can grow spiritually and serve each other (Ephesians 4:12-13)

 Be submissive, teachable, and accountable so that he can work with others such as church

staff, elders and deacons, and then the congregation (Ephesians 5:21)

 Use his particular gifts and abilities for building up the body of Christ (II Timothy 1:6)

 Seek to be a disciple, to disciple others, and to multiply disciples (II Timothy 2:2)

 Seek to continually improve in the gifts and abilities God has given him (II Timothy


 Along with the church leadership discover, communicate, implement, and evaluate God’s

mission and vision for the church.

 Lead and encourage the church staff to grow in godliness and to do its part to accomplish

the mission and vision of the church.

 Lead the congregation by example and exhortation to obey the Great Commission to

disciple the nations at home, in the church, in the community and beyond (Matthew

28:19, 20)

 Lead the officers by example and exhortation to shepherd the flock (Acts 20:28).

 Look for ways to personally be salt and light through his involvement in the community

(Matthew 5:16).

 Seek to advance missions by personal involvement and by encouraging each member to

find ways to be engaged in missions through giving, praying, and serving.

 Moderate session meetings so that it will lead effectively, function efficiently, address

challenges, seek reconciliation when conflicts arise, make timely decisions, communicate

accurately, advance the church’s mission and vision, administer programs, and evaluate

the church’s progress.

Salary: $60K-$89K


The top six Pastoral Ministry strengths or experience desired include:


Pastoral Visitation

Church Administration




We look forward to discovering further gifts, talents and abilities of each applicant.

How to Apply

Other Contacts include: John Miller and Beth Bicklein (Office Secretary)

Primary Contact: Ron Jones


Phone: 618-939-7116