Job Opportunities

Outreach and Engagement Director

Other | Presbyterian Church in America

Village Seven Presbyterian Church
4055 Nonchalant Circle South
Colorado Springs, CO 80917



Posted: Feb 5, 2025

Application Deadline: Apr 30, 2025


Purpose: This position assists the Senior Pastor and the Session in leading Village Seven Presbyterian Church in making, equipping, and deploying disciples for Christ and His kingdom by mobilizing the congregation to serve in mercy ministry, church and outreach ministries, community ministries and organizations, and local missions, engagement ministries.

Duties and Responsibilities:

Educate, equip, and employ the people of Village Seven to live missionally by providing educational, training, and mission/service opportunities that put their spiritual gifts, talents, and passion into service for Christ and their neighbors through both Word and Deed ministries

Develop strategic relationships with local ministries and organizations where members and attendees can serve the community and share the gospel

Oversee and develop Village Seven’s mercy ministries, serving as the staff liaison to the Board of Deacons

Oversee the Sunday Morning Experience Teams and processes by recruiting, training, and assigning volunteers. These include Sunday Greeters, Communion Preparation, Coffee Preparation and Clean up and the Sanctuary Preparation Team.

Organize and execute Sunday Morning engagement opportunities including Monthly Discover V7PC to visitors and the Membership Class for those pursuing church membership. Follow up with all new members to help them find spiritual growth and serving opportunities. 

Help lead Village Seven in its outreach ministries by giving oversight to ministries such as Christianity Explored, Divorce Care, and the Penrose/Edison School Partnership.


  1. Develop enhanced congregational care and shepherding approaches. 
  2. Develop enhanced Staff and Elder training for congregational care. 
  3. Work with Staff and Elders to improve care for those who do not attend a community.


Participate in the Momentum Team, Leadership Team and Adult Ministry teams. 

  1. Recruit volunteers and oversee the Outreach and Engagement calendar of activities.
  2. January - Organize and oversee Six Week Membership Class
  3. May - Work with Penrose Elementary on Summer Sendoff
  4. June - Participate in VBS with Missions project
  5. August - Begin recruiting and publicity for CityServe
  6. September - Organize and oversee Six Week Membership Class
  7. October - CityServe the first Saturday in October
  8. November - Work with the congregation on Thanksgiving Meals for Penrose Elementary families and Mercy’s Gate clients
  9. December - Work with Village groups and Communities to supply Christmas presents for Penrose Elementary families.

Participate in and contribute to the Presbytery and General Assembly as appropriate.

Church Info:

Village Seven Presbyterian Church (V7PC) is a body of believers in Colorado Springs on mission to make and equip joyful disciples of Jesus Christ, who live out and proclaim the gospel in Colorado Springs, the West, and the World.

V7PC is a member of the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA), founded in 1972, and is the largest church (over 1400 members) in the Rocky Mountain Presbytery (Colorado, Wyoming, Montana). In the last five decades, V7PC has planted four PCA churches in the Colorado Springs area in addition to helping start and support several city-wide ministries. 

Our Sunday morning worship reflects the Reformed faith and combines a diverse range of music with rich liturgy. We enjoy utilizing modern music as well as music written centuries ago in a dynamic, specially arranged, and orchestrated way that best reflects our passion for worship and our unique style

Salary: $60K-$89K


Minimum Requirements:


     Faith: This position must be held by an individual who is an active, practicing evangelical Christian who is committed to the church’s vision and mission and agrees with our Statement of Faith and subscribes to the Westminster Confession and Catechisms. There is no other background that can substitute for this requirement.  

     Education: Master of Divinity (for pastor) or other suitable degree (for director). Christian maturity and biblical knowledge may substitute for this requirement for a director) at the discretion of the Session.

     Experience: Must have a minimum of three years of pastoral experience or working within a church or ministry context, particularly with volunteers. Shows competence in recruiting and training. Ability to plan, execute, and evaluate department vision and goals. Other background may be substituted for this requirement providing it demonstrates suitable experience, knowledge, and skills.

     Other background demonstrating application of the following knowledge, skills, and abilities:

  • Understanding of the Bible and the Reformed faith
  • Teach classes and small groups; lead seminars; speak to large groups
  • Knowledge of and experience in using Word, Excel, and other software and database programs
  • Ability to keep confidences and protect confidential information reliably
  • Relate well to various age groups and education levels
  • Plan, develop, and deliver curriculum

How to Apply

You will find a full job description and application on our website:

Primary Contact: Don Roberts


Phone: 7195746700

Apply Online: View