Religious | Presbyterian Church in America
Posted: Feb 12, 2025
Application Deadline: Apr 30, 2025
Park Woods Presbyterian Church (PCA) in Overland Park, Kansas (a suburb of Kansas City, MO) is searching for our Lord's next under-shepherd following the retirement of our beloved long time pastor. Our new pastor must have strong commitments to the Redemptive Historical Method of interpreting Scripture and preaching sermons that uncover the unfolding plan of God in Christ from every book of Scripture. The Ministry of the Word on the Lord's Day has been the highest priority of our church. All other corporate activities must serve this singular priority. If interested please submit your resume, MDF or equivalent, and links to sermons to with the subject "Pastor Application."
Salary: Undisclosed
Park Woods Presbyterian Church Distinctives:
· The absolute centrality of the ministry of God’s Word and God’s Holy Sacraments. All church activities and programs must be in service to this grace.
· All Scripture is Eschatological. From Genesis to Revelation redemptive history was pointing us forward. Every page of Holy Scripture “is about me,” Jesus said. Therefore, all preaching must be about him, too.
· With an emphasis on the two-age structure, we recognize that the heavenly reality is ours to partake in right now. As a consequence, focusing on cultural and social issues distracts us from the mission of the church.
· We appreciate and believe in the indicative and imperative in all preaching, allowing the Spirit to work in the hearer’s heart and mind on the imperative.
· We expect to hear the words “suffering then glory” many times because this is the message we received from our Lord to follow in his footsteps.
· The philosophy of ministry is a simple one: “Now to him who is able to keep you from stumbling and to present you blameless before the presence of his glory with great joy.”
· We need to be reminded continually that our lives are to be lived as Life under the Cross. Sacrificing to meet the needs of others is the new ethic into which we live and move and have our being.
· We look for an emphasis on biblical theology in the tradition of Vos, Kline, Gordon, and Beale, but there is no need to shy away from other biblical scholars in that discipline who are non-reformed. Total agreement is not necessary to find value in the work of the larger body of Christ.
· YouTube Website: @parkwoodspresbyterianchurc6083
· For more information, please refer to our Church Website:
How to Apply
The successful candidate will have an Master of Divinity Degree or higher or be on a track to be graduated with an MDiv in the coming months.
The candidate should be ordained in the PCA or be in a position to be licensed and ordained in the PCA within one year.
Primary Contact: Ron Megli
Phone: -
Apply Online: View