Campus Employment
12330 Conway Road
Creve Coeur, MO 63141
Posted: Mar 21, 2025
Application Deadline: Jul 1, 2025
I. To ensure that residents live together according to campus housing guidelines set forth by the Handbooks and Facilities Office.
II. To insure that the buildings and surround areas are safe, maintained and hospitable for all residents.
III. To provide customer service for tenants.
IV. To communicate on behalf of the Facilities Office information related to operations and preform those administrative duties directed by the Manager of Leasing
V. To represent the Leasing office in the transition of resident move ins and outs.
I. To ensure that residents live together according to campus housing guidelines set forth by the Handbooks and Facilities Office.
Monitor and inform renters of campus rules regarding safety, health, rental fees and any regulations laid out in the Housing Handbook and Student Handbook.
A. Inform the Leasing Director or Director of Campus Operations of relational problems among residents.
II. To insure that the buildings and surround areas are safe, maintained and hospitable for all residents.
A. Perform regular weekly inspection of buildings and grounds and timely report problems appropriate maintenance managers.
B. Process maintenance work requests daily or according to identified priority set forth by the Facilities Office and the online maintenance request system. Follow up to insure work is finished promptly and completely.
C. Obtain any needed addition information to service maintenance requests from resident.
D. At the direction of the Facilities Manager contact contracted repairman to meet determine time schedule.
E. Notify tenants of routine maintenance and inspections.
F. Perform and assist in single resident regular inspections and move outs. Help clean and communicate problems to Leasing office and needs that may affect a new tenant move in.
G. Report emergency issues immediately to the appropriate person and confirm that they received the information.
H. Inform the appropriate Facilities Manager of spills, stains or problems with public corridor flooring for immediate cleaning.
III. To provide customer service for tenants.
A. Assist new International families with assimilation tasks such as contacting utilities, meeting neighbors and if needed.
B. Answering new resident questions related available resource at the Seminary and Creve Coeur.
C. Answer question about appliance use and verify that all appliance manuals are in apartments.
D. Confirm that maintenance requests are responded to in a timely manner and follow up with resident after maintenance repairs are complete.
E. Collect resident feedback through questionnaire or other means directed by the LM.
F. Assist residents with accidental lock outs.
G. Provide parking decals for incoming residents.
H. Greet prospective students and accompany them in viewing apartments if requested by LM.
IV. To communicate on behalf of the Facilities Office concerning information related operations and preform those administrative duties directed by the Manager of Leasing
A. Address late rent payments as directed by Manger of Leasing.
B. Maintain emergency master key set for security and maintenance purposes.
C. Attend weekly Housing planning meeting and follow though decisions
D. Issue decals for toys and stroller, etc.
E. Promptly inform the Facilities Office the need for extra trash and recycling pickups.
F. Compile and distribute resident directory with in the first month of Fall Semester and make changes with supplement in for the January and Spring and summer terms.
G. Maintain current list, subletter, overnight visitors and residents on extended absences.
H. Oversee storage area use in apartments and single houses.
Assist Safe Officer and Facilities officer in traffic issues and violators around seminary housing.
Salary: Undisclosed
1. Diplomatic ability, customer service attitude, organizational skills, and attention to detail.
2. Ability to work with confidential information and confront peers when necessary.
3. Resident Manager must live in Covenant Seminary apartments.
4. Previous experience in apartment/resident management is desirable.
5. The resident manager is expected to be on the premises 48 weeks per year, including weekends and holidays. Can be off campus up to one weekend per month and twenty weekdays per year. All time off must be coordinated in advance with After-Hours Maintenance workers’ schedules and approved by the Housing Director. An approved substitute must be available to cover.
The seminary reserves the right to revise this position description as necessary
How to Apply
Resident Manager Procedures
The resident manager informs the residents about upcoming events, insect and pest control, building, equipment, and grounds maintenance, meetings, etc. Email all residents and if necessary place a notice on the bulletin board. Periodically check bulletin boards for outdated notices and notices not approved by Student Life or Housing, unless they have been put up by on-campus residents.
Advise the Leasing manager and residents if there is a particular building that has items in the hallway or in front of the buildings of Housing policy violations, and if not resolved tag the item for a $25 fine.
Advise Facilities and Operations of any maintenance needs or safety concerns. Director of Facilities and Housing Maintenance (Tim Cole) for building maintenance, Director of Grounds (Eric Kessels) for grounds, sidewalk, or parking lot maintenance, Director of Housekeeping and Guest Services (Shawn Summers) for cleaning, Security Dispatch for safety concerns ensuring the needs of resident are addressed in a timely manner.
Key Requests:
Key requests are sent to Brian Skamra at
The following information needs to be included:
· Resident’s name
· Apartment number
· Type and # of keys being requested (i.e. 2 front door, 1 mailbox, 1 storage)
· Date keys are needed
Residents are fined $25 per lost key. If lost keys are found and the extra key(s) turned back in, they can be reimbursed. All keys and key cards go through Joe Peterka.
Lock Outs:
All the keys are in the resident manager’s possession in case of lock outs for families or singles. Ask the resident to bring the key back to you after they use it and NEVER give out the master key.
Maintenance Requests:
For maintenance requests please do the following. A maintenance request is anything that needs to be taken care of in the interior of the apartment, except light bulbs (maintenance does take care of LED ceiling lights). Also, for the singles apartments, we do provide LED lightbulbs.
1) Enter a work request using the Smartsheet link provided. If Smartsheet is not available send an email to Tim Cole (and copy Brian Skamra) with the following information in the Subject: Maintenance Request / Apartment number / Resident name
Body/Description of work desired:
Resident name
Apartment #
Phone #
Maintenance request and state whether or not they can go over if the resident is not home.
2) If it’s an emergency (dealing with flooding, water leaks, no heat or a/c, broken lock or window) call the After Hours/On Call Maintenance at (314)713-0802. If you cannot reach the After Hours/ On call Maintenance tech call Tim Cole and let him know and then send an email for his records at If the After Hours/On Call tech is called for emergencies send a maintenance request or email as well letting Tim know what action was taken.
3) Any housekeeping issues (carpet stains, hallway issues) please email or call Shawn Summers at Any grounds keeping issues (dead animals, downed trees, ice or snow buildup, parking lot or sidewalk slip trip and fall hazards) please email or call Eric Kessels at 392-4171 or
Move Ins:
Coordinate with Leasing Manager (Dan Owens) and Turnover Manager (Jason Oh) when new tenants are moving in or plan on moving in to ensure their apartment has been repaired and cleaned prior to arrival. Coordinate with Senior Director of Facilities and Operations (Brian Skamra) for keys to Apartment, Storage, and Mailboxes. Make sure each New residents provided with the useful information listed:
1. Move in checklist (to be returned within a few weeks)
2. Housing Handbook with important information highlighted.
3. Where to shop in STL list
4. Playground reminders
5. Who to call for maintenance requests (welcome sheet, I’ll pass along)
6. On-campus Directory
When the Leasing Manager gives you the list of new residents for each semester make a spread sheet to keep track of all their info, starting with the earliest move in. Make/update a resident handbook for residents and staff to get to know one another.
About 5-6 weeks before their projected move in date (which changes frequently) do the following:
1) Call or email new residents and inform/ask them:
Who you are and why you are contacting
Where they are coming from and background info
Answer any questions about the apartment or community (measurements, location of apartment, etc.)
Remind to set up utilities
Size of truck (large trucks have problems getting parking spots by apartments)
Specific move in date
Age and names of children
Info for the housing directory
2) At time of the call, request the keys (1 storage, 2 apartment, 1 mailbox)
3) Make mailbox tags and storage unit signs.
4) Make welcome signs for each family.
5) Check each apartment to see how it’s coming along throughout the summer and to see if there are any issues to address.
6) At the beginning of each summer month email the current residents about who is moving in that month (what apartment, where from, age of kids).
7) At the beginning of each summer month, find residents who will cook a meal for the new families (preferably someone in their building).
At the time of move in give them their keys (check the apartment to be sure it is ready for them a few days ahead of time when you put their welcome sign up and mailbox tag), have them sign their key card (send to Joe Peterka) and go over the move in sheet.
Move Outs:
About 5-6 weeks before December and May move outs, send the residents a letter about move out procedures. Joe Peterka primarily handles everything with move outs. Sometimes residents have given their keys to the resident manager which can be sent to Joe Peterka. Sometimes residents will not be receiving their forwarded mail and will ask to have their box checked. Call Joe and he can get the key for you to check specific boxes. Also, if they ask about their deposit, returns can take up to 4-5 weeks.
Playground Issues:
Try to encourage the residents to keep the playground toys in the fenced area and not where the mowers are. All bikes need to be on the bike racks and have a current CTS sticker. Those without one will be put in toy jail in the basement of 441. Once a sweep has been done and time has passed (1-2 weeks) alert residents that sweeps have been done and they have a week to claim items from toy jail. They need to make an appointment with the apartment manager to get the items. Unclaimed items are donated to Salvation Army. Tim will clean out toy jail after residents have had a week to claim items. Residents are not charged for items taken from the playground.
The resident manager is in charge of calling/emailing residents who have not paid their rent by the 8th or 9th of each month. The business office will email you the list.
Primary Contact: Brian Skamra
Phone: 3143924174
Apply Online: View